Attention to all beauty obsessed shoppers, be wary because the counterfeit market is not only limited to handbags and designer clothing. Bogus versions of some best selling products are flooding the beauty market too.
Much to our dismay, due to their popularity, they are imitated a lot. Yeah, you will not be only paying for the bootleg product but you will also be putting yourself to health risks. They are often a dangerous mistake for us to make. Hence, better be aware of the telltale signs that can help you determine which one is a good fake.
Make sure you are not taken for a ride. Go through this article and begin to take better beauty health care by being vigilant...
Insubstantial packaging
This point to review is a dead giveaway since most brands are working hard to protect their packaging. If you come across with flimsy packaged of your fav skin care then know it to be a sham.
Care to give attention to product details
If you have been a careless customer then it's time you look for an extra or a missing letter in those brand names that you frequently buy. Those grammatical errors are deliberately done to lure someone like you who doesn’t give a damn to those details. Uneven fonts and inconsistent patterns are also those that you should watch out for.
Buying from a rogue site or dealer
Fake products tend to slip through the crack by means of broken websites. There are cases wherein genuine online sellers become hacked by fraudsters. So you think you are buying from the reputable brand when in fact you’re not.
One simple way to counter the acquisition of knock-off items from online shopping is to look over the authenticity of websites. If the website is fake and so are the products they are selling.
“Too good to be true” online discounts
We all love discounts and a pretty good sale is so hard for us to resist. But haven’t we heard about horror stories of using beauty products at budget prices? It’s time that you should think twice that the chance to save pound is not worth for the value you will get out of patronizing those duds.
So if you get to buy something at a fraction of a retail price and it looks so unrealistically low, then you are certainly buying a fake one. Just remember, brand names have alike price point wherever you find them.
Because the beauty industry has been a target of counterfeiters, there are popular brands that are now often made in imitation. Below are the list of them..
We all know that there is a rapid increase in numbers and popularity of fake APRILSKIN products and that sends confusion amongst customers. Here are four ways to tell you you are getting the real deal.
FEG Powerful Eyelashes Enhancer is famous around the world. It even became an award-winning eyelashes enhancer. That's the reason why fraudulent imitations of this product is rampant. Just to reassure you are buying the real thing, keep an eye of these anti-counterfeit measures that this product has:
This beauty product is high in demand which makes it a target of counterfeiters. What sets it apart from other soap is that it can deliver results in just one use. This product which originated in Thailand also has spurious versions and they are:
This premium bath soap is also from Thailand, It has gained enormous popularity because of how it works amazingly on the skin. However, you will seldom find an original version of it online unless you really bought it from an authorized seller. We have shown one way to identify a genuine one.
If you happened to like other products of Namu Life aside from Snail White Whipp soap, then you need to be extremely careful when buying. It's a clear giveaway to see missing labels and inconsistent colors, fonts, and prints on its packaging. Also, the brands website address printed on its box is slightly altered.