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Amazingly Natural & Effective Teeth Whitening at Home

March 20, 2019 3 min read

Amazingly Natural & Effective Teeth Whitening at Home

There is no doubt, everybody would always want to have a charming smile that is of course associated with pearly white teeth. Having whiter teeth comes with it a lot of benefits. Aside from the fact that it enhances our appearance and elevates our self-confidence, with whiter teeth, it helps reduce the look of facial skin imperfections like wrinkles and overall, makes us more attractive. Experts say that, if we have healthy whiter teeth, we all have the reasons to smile and be able to have that positive vibe and outlook in life.

Sadly, not all people are born with naturally white teeth. And even so, over time, there are many factors that are capable to cause a stain or make our teeth become yellowish in color. Based on research, here are a few factors that trigger discoloration of our teeth.

  • the inevitable aging process
  • smoking
  • drinking tea, coffee, soda, or red wine
  • eating foods that are pigmented
  • the buildup of tartar and plaque deposits
  • too much fluoride ingestion
  • having treated with the antibiotic tetracycline

Not to deny, the need or desire for teeth whitening has become greater today. Many people are looking for so many ways in order to achieve not just healthy but a porcelain white teeth. The good news is, there are surprisingly effective remedies at home that can help us whiten our teeth the natural and safe way.

Baking Soda

Amazingly Natural & Effective Teeth Whitening at Home

Trying to whiten teeth withbaking soda has been one of most typical and undeniably efficient home remedies available. As a matter of fact, this extraordinary agent has been proven by a lot of people’s experiences to have whiten their teeth in just two days. Due to baking soda’s strong features, it is able to expel the accumulation of plaque deposits in the teeth. Also, the alkaline substance present in baking soda helps to get rid of discoloration. Using baking soda for our teeth can be adequate but it is only capable to eliminate the stains on the teeth’s surface.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Amazingly Natural & Effective Teeth Whitening at Home

A bleaching agent known as Hydrogen Peroxide is has been scientifically tested to whiten teeth too. Just like a baking soda, hydrogen peroxide is a fast-acting teeth whitening remedy. Literally, numerous over-the-counter teeth whitening items or products are mostly contained with this ingredient. However, the strong attribute of hydrogen peroxide is likely to cause the teeth to become sensitive. Thus, using too much of this agent can be impractical.

Teeth Whitening Pen by WGE Asia

Amazingly Natural & Effective Teeth Whitening at Home

For years, WGE Asia has been the source of unquestionably genuine and high quality beauty and skin care products. One of the products this company is proud of is featuring its premiumTeeth Whitening Pen. Now, it’s finally the moment of truth for everyone - achieving a pearly white teeth in a safe, quick, hassle-free and truly effective way can be found in this wonderful product.

So how does this product work?

Teeth Whitening Pen is embodied with scientifically proven ingredients such asGlycerin, Carbamide, Peroxide, Carbomer, Peppermint Oil, Triethanolamine. All these elements make this product effective and really working to rapidly eliminate the stains and discoloration of the teeth. Besides whitening effect, Teeth Whitening Pen is also capable to prevent gum disease and blocks the development of harmful bacteria.

Customers’ reviews

“I have been a coffee drinker and because of this, I begin to notice that my teeth become yellowish. I felt bad with how my teeth looks and this imperfection has prevented me to smile everytime we take pictures. A friend told me about this WGE Asia product. And wow! I was really amazed by how Teeth Whitening Pen has really done great!”Jo M.

Amazingly Natural & Effective Teeth Whitening at Home

“The product’s promise to whiten my teeth is really true. Teeth Whitening Pen is really an effective product. I do not have to seek more ways just to achieve skin whitening benefit. Teeth Whitening Pen indeed is the perfect item for me and I highly recommend this to everyone. It is naturally safe too.” Selena S.

Get your Whitening Pen here too!
